Tusker hunting in South - Hungary with horse carriage




Size of the field: 52.000 ha
Field: in free range 
Games: Wild boar, red deer
Accommodation, boarding: in hunters lodge
                                                      (I. class)

Gemenc Zrt. is one of the largest state hunting grounds in Hungary, with an area of 52,000 ha. The area is located in southern Hungary, where the Danube leaves the country. Europe's largest contiguous floodplain forest belongs to the Zrt's economic territory. The area lies on both banks of the Danube and is divided into 3 main parts (Gemenc, Béda-Karapancsa, Hajós). There is a world-famous red deer population in the district. The results achieved by Zrt in deer hunting are traditionally first class. The previous winning streak was topped by the trophy in 1986, which was awarded 271.00 C.I.C points, the best in the world at the time. The area is rich in wild boar. For wild boar drives, up to 40 wild boars can be hunted daily with 9-10 hunters. 

Hunters who wish to do so may hunt from also on horse carriage or in winter from a sleigh.


Lenght of tusks  EUR
12,00 - 13,95 cm 400
14,00 - 15,95 cm 750
16,00 - 17,95 cm 900
18,00 - 19,95 cm 1.400
20,00 - 21,95 cm 2.000
from 22 cm -  2.300
Tusker wounding:  350 EUR


Sow (from 50 kg):      370 EUR

Pig (20-50 kg):           200 EUR

Piglet (up to 19 kg):      80 EUR

Female red deer:        140 EUR

Red deer calf:               90 EUR

Wounding: 50 % of the shooting prices.


Other costs:

  • Hungarian hunting license: 120 EUR
  • Drinks
  • Accommodation, boarding:  95 EUR / person / night with halfboard
  • Individual guidance: 25 EUR / hunter / day
  • Trophy delivery (if needed)
  • Transfer
  • Jeep: 1,4 EUR / km
  • Horse cart: 24 EUR / hour
  • Other shooting rates and services



