Hunting methods
Individual big game hunting methods
- stalking
- shooting from high-seat
- from horse carriage or sledge
Collective hunting methods for big games:
- drive hunt with dogs (wild boar, female red and fallow deer)
- It is usually organized for 10-25 hunters with the help of numerous beaters and dogs.
Driven hunts are usually also organized in hunting reserves, where the daily bag can reach 80-100 specimens.
Collective small game hunting methods:
- A common feature of collective small game hunts − with a few exceptions − is that hunters themselves take an active part in them, moving and working together with beaters for the sake of success. Dogs trained for a specific game species or hunting technique are the indispensable helpers of hunters on both individual and collective small game hunts.
Walked up hunting:
- A hunting method organised for smaller hunting parties (3-5 hunters) where hunters, too, take part in the search for game. Hunters and beaters comb tree rows, shrubs, embankments, forest edges or smaller reedy areas with the aid of hunting dogs in order to find the desired game species. Shrub hunts are characterised by a friendly atmosphere and a smaller game bag.