Fallow buck hunting in Bockerek


The hunting area is located in the Szabolcs county, in the eastern tip of Hungary, on the Bereki plain, which got its name from the Bockerek forest located here.


This area is home to one of the finest herds of fallow deer in our country. However, there are often fallow deer with a trophy weight of more than 4 kg in the area. In 2023, 100 fallow deer were shot in this hunting area.


Of these 100 deer, 6 deer weighed more than 6 kg and another 19 deer weighed more than 5 kg.


The red deer herd is also good in the area.


Due to the extraordinary beauty of the landscape, the picturesque forest environment, and the highway leading to Vásárosnamény, which was built in 2007, more and more foreign hunters come to this hunting area to get a hunting experience of a lifetime.


Trophy weight (kg) EUR + EUR / 10 g
up to 1,19 kg 300 -
1,20 - 2,00 kg 500 -
2,00 - 3,00 kg 700 + 2,0
3,00 - 3,49 kg 900 + 12,0
3,50 - 4,00 kg 1.500 + 26,0
4,00 -4,50 kg 2.800 + 50,0
4,50 - 5,00 kg 5.300 + 95,0
5,00 - 5,50 kg 10.050 + 110,0
5,50 kg -  15.550 + 130,0


Wounding: 50 % of the shooting prices, based on the estimated weight of the trophy.


Other costs:

- Hunting license:  100 EUR 

- Jeep:  1,5 EUR / km

- Accommodation, boarding

- Single room


